Inter University Weightlifting Championship – 2017

We’re all extremely proud to say that we went one step forward this year in weightlifting and organized the Inter University Weightlifting Championship at University of Jaffna on 11th June 2017 for the first time in the Inter University History. The lifters from 12 universities took part enthusiastically and proved their strength in this championship.

University of Jaffna weightlifters exhibited their surplus energy, proved their talents and won the Runner-up for the first time. We are proud of our performance at this championship. The performance of the weightlifters from University of Peradeniya well praised and became the team became the Champion. The University of Ruhuna got the 2nd Runner-up.

Mr. U. Vinothkumar lifted 86kg in snatch, 117kg in clean & jerk and total 203kg under 85kg weight category and won the Champion.

Mr. K. Dusanth lifted 100kg in snatch, 131kg in clean & jerk and total 231kg under 105kg weight category and won the Champion. He created New Record by lifting 131kg in clean & jerk in 105kg weight category (previous record was 130kg).

Mr. M.N. Siddeek lifted 94kg in snatch, 125kg in clean & jerk and total 219kg under +105kg weight category and won the Champion. He created New Records by lifting 94kg in snatch (previous record was 85kg), 125kg in clean & jerk (previous record was 115kg) and total 219kg (previous record was 200kg) in +105kg weight category.

Members of the University of Jaffna Weightlifting Team

  1. M.A.K. Udayanga (Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce)
  2. Vinothkumar (Faculty of Arts)
  3. R. Sankalpa (Faculty of Medicine)
  4. N. Siddeek (Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce)
  5. Dusanth (Faculty of Arts)
  6. M.C.N.B. Tennakoon (Faculty of Science)
  7. A. Rajeeth (Faculty of Arts)