Education and Research committee

  • Conducting awareness programme during- orientation/induction to students and staff.
  • Conducting the discussion forum for staffs and students.
  • Gender festival: Annual event with different themes ad programmes such as exhibition, drama and theatre, trips etc. Open to all within and outside the University of Jaffna community.
  • Design and implement a gender responsive cross general leadership and monitoring programme for all female staff in association with Staff Development Center.
  • Train the staff and student on gender focused research skill, in association with Staff Development Center.
  • Recommend an affirmative action programme to encourage participation of female members of staff with specific budget allocation to support their multiple roles in society.
  • Disseminate information about GEE policies and GEEC activities by posting / circulating relevant material through relevant channel to the university community
  • Incorporating GEEC and SGBV into the curriculum.

Monitoring and Evaluation committee

  • Design mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the performance of the GEEC and the University in implementing this By-law;
  • Put in place performance indicators with time frames to measure the implementation progress of GEE Policy and SGBV By-law;
  • Create avenues for receiving views of members of the university regarding the By-law;
  • Review the By-law time to time to take into account emerging issues and trends through research.
  • Monitor the updates in existing policies/forms/procedures
  • Report quarterly the progress of the committee to GEEC

Resource Mobilization committee

  • Brochures, handbooks and flyers – during registration of new entrants by Resource Mobilization and Education and Research Committees of GEEC
  • Disseminate information about GEE policies and GEEC activities by posting / circulating relevant material through relevant channels to the university community by all sub-committees of GEEC
  • Sensitize staff who deal with student welfare and discipline annually by all sub-committees of GEEC
  • Create widespread awareness about the grievance mechanism to address complaints of SGBV
  • Sensitize the university community about the policies and grievance mechanism by displaying the above in library, offices and online portal by Grievance Committee, Resource Mobilization and Education and Research Committees of GEEC
  • Train volunteer groups of students to raise consciousness on SGBV and grievances among their peers by Resource Mobilization and Education and Research Committees of GEEC
  • Create annual allocation for GEEC in the annual budget of the university based on the proposal submitted by the GEEC
    • Prepare the annual budget proposal for GEEC activities – by Resource Mobilization Sub Committee
    • Follow up and proceed the financial allocations and disbursements as per the university financial regulations – by Resource Mobilization Sub Committee
  • Adopt a gender-responsive research environment that improves our understanding of national development issues, and impacts positively on the lives of men and women
    • Recommend an affirmative action programme to encourage participation of female members of staff, with specific budget allocations to support their multiple roles in society – by Resource Mobilization and Education and Research Sub committees

Grievance committee

  • Instituting a prompt, effective, consistent and fair grievance redressing mechanism for handling cases of SGBV at the university.
  • Creating awareness about the mechanism
  • Upholding zero tolerance to SGBV
  • Sensitizing the university community about the GEE policy and grievance redressing mechanism by displaying flyers, brochures and handbooks in library, office and online portal in association with Resource mobilization committee and Education Research committee of CGEE
  • Developing a form to receive written complaints allegations and reports of SGBV.